
Danny Potter and the Halfa Prince chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Who is the Halfa Prince?

Since Danny, Minia and Grim Jr. miss the carriages to Toonwarts, the trio, Hunter, Lily and Twilight has to walk to get to the castle. The halfa's face looks blood-spattered with his nose looking a bit off center.
By now, the group arrive near the castle, Danny said, "Hey, sorry I made you two miss the carriages."
"Oh, it's okay, Danny." Minia said with a smile. "To be honest, my brother and I enjoyed our walk."
"Right, it's like being with a friend." Grim Jr. said in agreement, smiling as well.
"I am your friend." Danny reminds Grim Jr. with a chuckle.
"Nice to hear that."
As the trio approaches the castle, they saw Professor Toad going over to them with a long roll of parchment with the students’ names. The Shroom exclaims, "There you three are! We have been looking all over for you; Names?"
"Professor Toad, you knew me for 5 years." Danny points out to Toad with a sigh. Why would he need a name when the professor knew who the hero is already?
"No exceptions, Fenton."
"There you are!" Ryan exclaims to Danny as he approach his group. "Where were you? When you didn't show up with your friends, I was worried sick! And what happened to your face?"
"Paul caught me eavesdropping on him and ambushed me, press his foot right on my face too." Danny scowls as he tries to fix his own nose. "There's something I gotta tell you, Ryan."
"Later; after the banquet; Nice pony, BTW."
"Thanks. This is Twilight Sparkle."
"What's with the people?" Minia ask as she stares into the darkness. The others turn to see shadows drift eerily like ghosts of some kind.
"Those are Aurors, for security." Toad explains seriously to the students. "With what's happening lately, Prime Minister Jones need to make sure that Vader and his army don't sneak in here."
"For crying out, you cretin, it isn't a cane! It's a walking stick!" A familiar voice snaps in annoyance. Danny, Minia, Luna and the dogs turn. There's Paul need a mountain of trunks and owl pages, getting annoyed as Pete was using a security detector to check a walking stick that the boy is trying to bring.
"Oh really, see?" Pete asks Paul suspiciously. "Mind telling me what you be wanting with this thing?"
"It was his father's." Another familiar voice said sternly. There's Vlad coming out of the shadows with Paul eyeing him wearily before snatching his stick right back.
"It is still my father's! Dad is not dead, he is locked up!" Paul snaps to Vlad in annoyance while wrapping the stick up in felt before putting it back inside his trunk.
"It’s okay, Mr. Pete; I will vouch for Mr. Zhao."
Pete grunts a bit, accepting the answer somewhat, while Paul glances at Vlad warily. The head of his own house is becoming extra protective of the boy lately. Twilight whines a bit, getting Paul's attention. He saw Danny looking. If the Bane boy was surprised that the halfa is not still on the train by now, he sure didn't show it.
"Nice face, Fenton." Paul sneers to Danny who frowns as he put a hand to his nose.
"Paul Zhao, Danny said you ambushed him on the train and crush his face with a boot." Ryan said to Paul suspiciously. "Mind explaining?"
"Hey, your so-called adopted brother was eavesdropping! I have the right to privacy as everyone else!"
"Not since Vader took over, you little..."
"Enough, Ryan; Paul, you may go now." Vlad said to Paul sternly. The boy frowns as he disappears into the darkness. "Still treating the poor boy like a used up sock since his dad is in jail? Hitting them while they're down? Tsk. Shame on you, Huffman."
With that, Vlad follows Danny, making Ryan sighs a bit. That nasty halfa can be a pain in the butt sometimes...or in this case Vlady-poo is a pain in the butt a LOT!
"If you want, I can fix your nose." Minia said, offering to fix Danny's nose for him. "To be honest, I think you look a bit more devil-may-care-this way. But it's up to you."
"To be honest, the last time I made the mistake of letting someone fix a part of me, that someone made my arm bones disappears for a few days." Danny said, preferring to when Daffy tried to fix his arm after a Quidditch match, only for the boy's arm to become rubber instead. "Anyway, Minia, have you even fixed a nose before?"
"Well, no, but Minia has done several toes, so how different are they anyway?" Grim Jr. admits with a smile. Danny sounds a bit uneasy by that answer.
"Fine, go away, Minia. Of course, if my nose becomes worst, I will have Ryan do it."
Minia poises her wand at Danny's nose, saying, "Episkey." As Ryan and Grim Jr. watch, the girl taps the nose, causing it to vibrate wildly before snapping into place.
"Impressive, Minia," Ryan said with a whistle of impressive. "You are really your parents' daughter....well, the good parts anyhow."
"So how do I look?" Danny asks Ryan and his pals, wanting an opinion.
"Exceptionally ordinary," Hunter spoke up with a bark.

The students are eating in the banquet, luckily not much announcements were made yet. Betty looks around for Danny while Jake is stuffing his face with pudding. Cream in worry spoke up while Fluttershy helps herself to some food, "Danny is still missing. I am worried."
"Relax; he will be here soon enough." Jake comments, his voice full with food, much to the others' annoyance.
Betty of course hits him on the side angrily, snapping, "! Your best friend is missing?!"
"She's right! Danny could be hurt or worst and all you're doing is eating like you don't care!" Misty snaps to Jake in annoyance.
"Oh relax, turn around you lunatics." Ash sighs to Betty and Misty in annoyance. The mentioned girls turn and saw a shocking yet relieving sight: there's Danny entering with Minia, Grim Jr., Hunter, Lily and Twilight...with the halfa's face being quite the sight.
"Pikachu, Pika?" Pikachu ask in surprise upon seeing Danny's messy face.
"Danny is covered in blood again." June remarked, blinking in surprise and concern. "How is it that he's covered in blood?"
"Looks like it is his own this time!" Jake exclaims, a bit spooked by the fact that his best friend is now covered in blood.
"Danny, where have you been?" Betty asks Danny in worry as the halfa sat down near his usual group. "And what happened to your face?"
"Let me guess: Paul caught you spying and ambushed you." Shadow suggests though the black hedgehog knew that he doesn't really need an answer.
"Later; so what did I miss?" Danny asks his friends, wondering what has happened before his arrival.
"Well, the Ezlo told us to be brave and strong in these troubles time." Jake remarks as he kept on eating his food. "Ha! Shows what he knows. It's a hat right? Of course, the First Years seemed to enjoy it."
"Geez, what took you long to get in here? Pete gave you the wand outside?" Gemerl ask Danny who nods a bit sheepishly. "He has been doing that to everyone, including us."
"Right, Pete scared our poor ponies." Luke sighs as he pets Applejack who ate some apples from a plate. "Rainbow head butt that guy. Luckily Ryan stops him from hurting the poor filly in time."
June took a damp napkin in her hand and uses it to dab his face, before feeling a bit awkward. Danny takes the napkin rom her, saying, "Thanks..."
"You're welcome." June said. She looks down to see her colt Ben Mare looking at Twilight curiously, the filly was looking at him right back. "Is that your Little Pony?"
"Yeah. Twilight Sparkle."
"Awww, look," Misty giggles a bit as she sees Twilight wanting to play with Ben. "I think they like each other already."
"You know, Minia and Grim Jr. claimed that when two Little Ponies love each other, it means that their owners are destined to be with each other." June explains, making her and Danny blush a bit. "Of course, that is yet to be determined."
"Hey everyone," May greets her friends as she and someone with her sat near the girl's friends at the table. It is a human boy tuff of brown hair wearing a green unbuttoned hooded jacket, blue polo shirt and grey hat. He also wears blue jeans.
"Hey, May. New friend," Ash asks as Pikachu helps himself to some ketchup.
"Guys, this is my boyfriend Billy." May said, introducing her friends to her new boyfriend.
"Hey, what's up?" Billy asks as he waves to the others with a grin.
"Huh. You sound like my Uncle Sonic." Shadow grunts a bit while eating. "Don't know if that's a good thing or not."
Just then, the light in the hall begins to dim. Everyone turns to Obi-Wan who stood at his usual place at the top of the hall. Obviously the Jedi is about to make a new announcement for the school year. As his ashen hand raise to the enchanted ceiling, where clouds respond to his gesture while shrouding a gleaming full moon, the Jedi begins to speak.
"What happened to his hand?" Betty asks her friends in worry, noting the ashen hand.
"I don't know." Billy said in concern.
"Yes, hello, the best of evenings to you all! First off, allow me to join in welcome an old face to our staff, President Skroob." Obi-Wan said with a smile.
"President Skroob, salute!" DK barks a bit, causing most of everyone to give the salute from a few days ago when Danny first met them.
"Hail Skroob!" Most of the hall yells out loudly, causing Skroob to do the same hail. Most of the folks gave a mild applaud while Danny claps, glancing at the entrance of Hall where a pair of Aurors are stationed outside.
"Professor Skroob, I am happy to say, will be resuming his old post of Potions master." Obi-Wan explain, much to the surprise of almost everyone. They were under the expression that Skroob would be the new Defense against The Dark Arts teacher; If not him, then who? "Meanwhile, the post of Defense against the Dark Arts will be assumed by Professor Masters."
"WHAT," Danny and most of his pals gasps in shock and alarm while Luke spits out his drink in alarm. Most of the room is in a stunned silence. For years, Vlad has never gotten the position of Defense Against The Dark Arts...and now, as if from out of nowhere, he has gotten his wish?!
"Figures they would react to that." Eli mumbles a bit. Obi-Wan, frowning a bit, try to at least make some approval for his friend by clapping. A few Bane students join in, along with some dim-witted First Years, "And that."
"I'm also pleased to announce that Swiper the Fox will be a assistant protector to Toonwarts." Obi-Wan said, motioning to Swiper who is waving nearby.
"Yes!" Billy cheers on, making the others look at him with odd looks.
"And now...on a serious note, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival tonight. You have the right to know why. You see, many years ago, there was a young man who sat in this very same Hall like you all...he walked this castle's corridors and slept under its same roof. Yes, to the world, this boy seemed to be a student like any other...his name is Anakin Skywalker."
Most of the Hall was utterly silent. Most of everyone in the room knew that name...and also knew who his other name is. Obi-Wan grimly continue, "And of today, of course, the world now knows by another name. That is why as I stood looking out at all you night I am reminded of a sobering fact. Each day, each hour and at this very minute...dark forces are attempting to break into this castle. But in the end, their greatest weapons remain and that is you."
"Us?" Gemerl gulps a bit while Danny glances at Paul who is lazily levitating a fork with his wand as if not bothering or caring about what Obi-Wan said. "What does he mean?"
"I think Obi-Wan means that if we let the dark side take can consume us all." Luke explains to his friends grimly.
"Well, it's something to keep in mind." Obi-Wan said, changing his mood as if nothing has happened. "Now everyone, get to bed; Go on, pip pip!"
"That was cheerful." Jake said sarcastically as everyone prepares to get up from their tables to leave for the night.

As the students are preparing for bed for the night, Danny and some of his pals are explaining to Ryan as to what happened that night behind the Creeper's place as well as what happened on the train.
"So you're saying that Vader is thinking of recruiting Paul into his group?" Ryan ask Danny in surprise and curiosity. "May I ask?"
"I don't know...Jake and Betty don't believe that Paul is now a Black Dragon but I know something is up." Danny said to Ryan in concern. "You do believe me, right?"
"I doubt that Vader would agree someone like Paulie...but stranger things has happened. I will have to have Paul watched at all times though...especially after what you told me happened on the train earlier."
"Question, why did Obi-Wan give the teaching job of Defense against The Dark Arts to Vlady-poo?" Ash asks Ryan with a frown. "That guy has never gotten that position before."
"I don't know either. I asked Obi-Wan about it but he told me not to worry about it for now." Ryan explains with a sigh to the group. "He just told me to focus on the special lessons that Danny will be taking along with Luke."
"Yes, what are these lessons?" Luke asks Ryan who pauses a bit, quietly.
"That's...for later, young Skywalker. Right now, my mind is focus on helping Sora and Kairi making preparation for their own future."
"Well, I'm glad that Sora's awake and he and Kairi are engaged." Danny said with a smile, happy to see that his adopted cousin has woken up last school year. "They really deserve each other. Don't you agree, Ry?"
"Aye! That's very, very true. It's too bad that Ansem isn't here in human flesh to see his grandchild grow up." Ryan said, sighing as he knows that Ansem is no longer alive to see his own grandchild. "And it's been determined, Kairi's gonna have a boy. She and Sora are planning on naming him...Roxas, after her brother who she never met. They've been...going at it for weeks."
"What does that mean?"
"Ryan, smirking, ask his adopted brother in amusement, "What you haven't heard moanings in the castle, Danny?"
"You mean-?" Danny spoke up, gasping as he realizes what Ryan means, "Ryan; Pervert!"
Ryan innocently asks, "What? I'm just telling the truth, Danny."
"Yeah, but you didn't have to go too far and be so vulgar."
"It's just who I am, bro. Just...who I am. Be thankful my counterpart in Jus's other Harry Potter isn't like me."
"And who would that be?" Danny asks Ryan puzzled, wondering who the said counterpart is.
"Prince Caspian X, which is ironic because I am in the role of Prince Caspian in Jus's Chronicles of Hyrule fanmake series," Ryan explains to Dnany with a slight chuckle. "You, Sam, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Luna Lovegood are extras for me; Along with Sweetie, Croonkshanks, Hedwig and Remy as extras, too."
"Well, I'm quite honored, Ry. When will Jus start the Chronicles of Hryule?"
After a few seconds of silence...Ryan finally spoke up, "Soon...or if he feels like it."

It is the next morning and students are preparing for their first classes on the first day of the new term. Shadow (Alien) walked up and then sees Ashley getting picked on by Paul and his Group. He hears this, "Man, I can't you believe you fell for that freak of nature."
Shadow (Alien) looked down at this, and then hears Ashley says, "Unlike you Paul, I can see through what people look like on the outside, Shadow is the only person I met that actually treated me like I'm actually wanted." She had tears in her eyes, remembering how her own mother treated.
Paul says, "Please, your just a big a freak as he was."
Little did Paul know, Shadow (Alien) was recording the whole conversion, but after hearing what he said about his girlfriend, he got so mad, he snapped, he changed into a giant monster named Darkness and yells in a monstrous voice, "You went too far, Paul!"
Paul, Bobcat and 363 look behind them and see the monster, and they look scared, but then an electric boost hit Darkness and change him back into Shadow (alien), courtesy of Redge.
They look at the Kel Dor weirdly as Redge says, "Hey, my cousin is a Sith, and since I'm a Copier Jedi, I learned it from watching him."
The group look more confused as 363 asks, "What the heck is a Copier?"
Redge sighs and says, "A Copier is a type of Jedi that can copy any force move that they can even control the dark side."
Then the three Rokus smile at the Banes and sometime later, people are laughing at Paul and his group, megawedgied, and the jerks see Redge, Shadow (Alien) and Ashley showing Shaak Ti the recording. The head of Roku says, "Okay 2 points from Roku for doing this, but 20 points from Bane for insulting students."
Paul groans angrily. Already his school term has started so badly!

Students meanwhile fight their way to get back to class...all but Danny, Jake, Luke and Ash. You see, they don't have any classes during this time so the four has no reason to go anywhere…or so they thought at first.
Shaak Ti stands tall and stern with Ryan. The twins pass by, with the Roku head calling out, "The History of Magic is up, ladies, not down."
"Mr. Pig, that's a girl's toilet, you weird pig." Ryan chuckles to Hampton a bit. The two teachers spots Danny's group, hanging out nearby.
"Mr. Fenton!"
Danny yelps in worry as he spots his teacher motions him to come over. Danny groans, "Awww, man. What did I do now?"
As Jake (who's grinning), Ash and Luke watch on, Danny came over to Shaak Ti and Ryan, the former ask in amusement. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Well, I've got an open period this morning, Professor." Danny explains as he scratches the back of his hair sheepishly.
"So I noticed. Perhaps you would want to fill it with Potions. Don't you want to be an Auror like your parents were?"
"Well, to be honest, it is...or was. Professor Masters told me that if I don't get an Outstanding in my O.W.L., that I shouldn't bother coming back."
"Oh yes...but that was when Vlady-poo himself was teaching that class." Ryan points out to Danny with a slight chuckle, making Shaak Ti roll her eyes at this comment. "But since Professor Skroob is in charge, he is perfectly happy to accept N.E.W.T. students with 'Exceeds Expectations' and I heard that he is hoping that you show up in his classes. Come on, Danny, take the class. You may see that Potions is much better this year."
Well Ryan has a point. With Vlad now teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts (and if the halfa is lucky, the 'curse' on it would get rid of him at some point), perhaps Potions may be better this time. Danny spoke up, "Well, yeah; Brilliant. I will head there right now."
"Good, and while you're at it, take Mr. Long, Mr. Skywalker and Mr. Ketchum with you." Shaak Ti suggests, giving an amusing smirk to the startled trio. "They look too happy over there anyway."

"Awww, daw, I don't wanna take Potions!" Jake protest as Luke drags him while following Danny and Ash to the Potions classroom.
"Well, come on, perhaps Potions would be better if what Ryan's suggesting is true." Ash said with a nod. After all, maybe Potions would be better with Skroob in charge.
The group enters the classroom where class is in session right now. Upon their arrival, the other students turn and saw him. Betty frowns a bit while Trixie, upon seeing Jake, beams a bit.
"Ah, Danny! For a moment, I was beginning to worry that you won't show up!" Skroob exclaims with a smile upon seeing Danny. "And it looks like you brought some friends with you."
"Ash Ketchum, sir." Ash said to Skroob with a grin.
"Luke Skywalker." Luke said, though making Skroob a bit nervous upon hearing the last name for some reason, "Uh, yes. Anakin is my father...and..."
"Jake Long, sir." Jake said sheepishly. "But I really stink at Potions, a menace. Perhaps I should be going."
"Awww, no worries, we will sort you out! Any of Danny's friends are friends of mine!" Skroob insists with a laugh, though he gave a wary look to Luke. "All right, get your books out and..."
"Uh promise? You see, I didn't get my book yet and neither did Jake, Ash and Luke." Danny explains to Skroob awkwardly. "You see, I didn't know that you were teaching this class when school started and well, it concerned what Professor Masters told me last year..."
"Ah! I get it. No worries, there is a cupboard with some used books you boys can use. Go on!" Skroob insists, motioning to a cupboard nearby. The boys head over to get a book as the professor resumes his class, motioning to the cauldrons bubbling in front of him. "Now then, before I was interrupted, I was making a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" He glances around, seeing Betty raising a hand up. "Yes, Miss..."
"Barrett, sir," Betty answers with a smile as she motion to the cauldrons. "That one there is the Hturt, a powerful Truth potion...and that one is the Changeling Potion. And that one..."
After opening the cupboard, Ash and Luke took two textbooks, leaving two for Danny and Jake, one of them is new and the other one is shabby and soiled. The best friends glance at each other then grabs the potion...but a box tips over causing Danny to grab it. This allows Jake to grab the new textbook and leaves in triumph, forcing the halfa to go for the shabby and soiled one. Grab!
" Love Poison, the most powerful love potion in the world." Betty said, motioning to the third cauldron. "According to theories, it's rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them. Right now, I smell freshly mown parchment...and Double Mint Gum..."
Betty blushes, stopping herself. She doesn't want to smell too much and fell in love! Skroob, chuckling, spoke up, "Yes, one of my best friends is a Muggle-born, the best in our year..." The teacher glances at Danny who sat in his seat with the soiled textbook. Danny nods, making Betty glancing at him in curiosity. "Anyway, Love Poison can't make actual love, very impossible unless in another universe. However, it can make a powerful infatuation or obsession. And for that reason along, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room alone!"
Skroob turns, seeing some students with dreamy faces leaning into the vapors, causing him to clang a cover onto the cauldron to snap them out of it. As Jake blinks a bit, he notices Trixie staring dreamily at him, much to the annoyance of Betty who narrows her eyes at them both.
"Someone is jealous." Luke chuckles a bit, making Betty glances at him.
"Hey, sir, you didn't say what was in that one." Tenten said, motioning to a small black cauldron nearby.
"Oh yes, of course!" Skroob chuckles as he goes over to a small cauldron. He begins to ladle a bit of golden liquid into a tiny vial. "Now what you kids see is a curious little potion known as 'Lucky O' The Narnians', a very powerful liquid found in Narnia. But it is more commonly known as..."
"Liquid luck," Betty explains, making the class even Paul perks up; a good luck potion; Interesting.
"Yes, Miss Barrett; it is very tricky to make and very disastrous should one gets it wrong. But if brewed correctly, as this has been, this potion has remarkable powers. With one sip, you will find that all your endeavors succeed...or get good luck until the effects wear off."
"How come no one drinks it all the time?" Tenten ask Skroob puzzled.
"Ah, simple question. It's because that taking it like mad results in giddiness, recklessness and of course dangerous overconfidence." Skroob explains to Tenten while rolling his eyes a bit. "And of course it is discouraged from being used in sports today."
"Have you ever taken it, sir?" Conway asks Skroob, making the man smile proudly.
"Twice when I was 24 and 25; two tablespoons at breakfast, two perfect days," Skroob chuckles, eyeing the vial dreamily; After snapping out of it somewhat, "Ahem; This vial is what I offer each of you today: one tiny vial of liquid luck to the student in the hour that remains manage to make an acceptable Draught of Instant Demise...which can be found on page 10 of your textbook."
The classes look excited; a vial of liquid luck is something that each student must have! Skroob, smiling, continues, "You should know that during all my years when I previous taught here at Toonwarts, not once did a student brew a Potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. Still, good luck, regardless."
Skroob put the vial on his desk as the contest begins. As the students open their textbooks, Danny opens his and frowns. Apparently whoever owned this book last has scribble in this. What gotten the halfa curious are these words: 'The Book Was Previously Owned by The Halfa Prince'.
Danny puzzled scratches his head. 'Halfa Prince'; There aren't any royalty for halfas...or Half-Bloods for that matter as far as Danny himself knows. Odd! Still, the boy spots some creepy graffiti that fill the next page, with more stuff throughout the book. Danny shakes his head and found the recipe for the mentioned potion. He checks the first printed instruction: 'Cut up one Kenzu Bean'.
Danny takes a dagger that is one his desk and is preparing to cut the bean for the task when he saw Jake's bean shooting across the room, bouncing off of Tenten's head. The boy saw everyone else struggling to cut up their resistant ingredient.
Danny pauses as he looks back to his book, making the potion won't be easy! Just then, the halfa notices something: the 'Halfa Prince' has drawn in an arrow from the word 'Cut' to the margin', pointing to a modification written in the tight scrawl: 'Crush with blade, it shall release the juice better'.
Danny pauses to think: he wonders if he himself should follow the Halfa Prince's suggestion. The halfa glances at the dagger he's using then decides to try it. Danny put the blade against the bean and presses hard. To his amazement, the protective parchment covering the desk is becoming red with juice.
Betty, noticing what Danny is doing, looks puzzled as she asks, "Danny, how did you do that?"
"Well, I crush it, not cut it." Danny explains to Betty, making his friend frown a bit.
"Danny, no; the instructions specially say to cut."
"No, really..."
"Ssh!" Betty shushes Danny as she got back to her task. The halfa shrugs a bit before lifting the parchment, putting the juice into his cauldron. It hisses then turns lilac. Danny grins a bit. Whoever this 'Halfa Prince' is must know what he was doing when he himself scribbles in his book while at school here.
Students struggle, doing their best to do the Draught of Instant Demise better. During this whole session, Trixie eyes Jake with a smile. Betty is becoming more frustrated with her work; her hair is being messed thanks to the steam coming from her cauldron.
Danny on the other hand doesn't seem to be having problem. As he looks at the official instruction, the hero saw the spidery scrawl in the margin which tells me what to do otherwise. Paul meanwhile cuts himself, cursing to himself angrily. The Bane student isn't having a good time at all!
A while later, Danny put in one last ingredient and steps back, done with his task. Betty, her hair a total mess, looks at him with a frown. Her friend is doing better somehow, but how and why?
Soon, time's up as Skroob begins checking out the cauldrons. He nods in pity; each attempt is a huge fiasco; Pity, looks like no one will win the Lucky O’ The Narnians. However when the professor goes over to Danny's cauldron, he looks amazed at a pearly sheen of one bubbling potion!
"Incredible, by the beard of Gandalf...but it's perfect! Why, it's so perfect that even one sip would kill us at all! Ha ha ha! Danny, your mother was a dab hand when it comes to Potions, but then again, what can't you do? Yes, you will save us all in the end yet!" Skroob laughs a bit, making everyone look at him. Danny's smiles fades a bit, the other students are probably envious of how he did this task. "Well, as promised: one bottle of Lucky O' The Narnians. Use it well."
Danny took the vial from Skroob, smiling at it in approval. Ryan was right: Potions was better for him...and it's all thanks to the mysterious Halfa Prince.

Paul and his group came back to the Bane Common Room after their punishment (the thing about Ashley and Shadow (alien)). They see a Kel Door with black robes and a long black glove, black boots, and also a scary looking mask over his mouth. His name is Saro Koon, Redge's older cousin and a follower of Darth Vader, holding a blue and white mask, the Mask of Masquerade.
Saro says to Paul, "I know you hate Daniel and his friends?"
Paul and his pals nod as Zeke, Mongore, and Zhoa (who came in somehow).
Mongore says, "Let the rage fuel you kid, let it make your actions, because when the time comes, Paul, you must uphold your Destiny as Masquerade."
Paul asks, "Didn't that one girl, Alice, use that mask once?"
Zhoa says, "Well son, she didn't have the amount of hate you have, so she gave up her power to be with the fools that try to keep Master Vader from taking over."
Paul looks at the mask, and tries it on. He changes into a purple haired version of the original Masquerade. Hit outfit looks like Paul's and also, he was now holding a strange and black purple Bakugan named Darkrus, Hydronoid's evil little bother.
All of them laugh evilly as Saro and his group leaves the room as they came somehow...

Author's note
Well, Danny did better in Potions thanks to the 'Halfa Prince' but what happened to Paul? In the next chapter, Danny and Luke's special lessons begin as they, Obi-Wan, Eli and Ryan uses the Myst Image Device to go back in time to when Obi-Wan first meet Anakin when he was a boy...and Danny realizes the real reason (well, some of it) as to why Skroob is asked back to teach in the first place. Read, review and suggest.

My future second Harry Potter fanmake series is referenced here, along with my future first fanmake series of the Chronicles of Narnia.
Upon returning to Toonwarts, Danny and his pals are stunned when Vlad is now the teacher for Defense Against The Dark Arts while Danny, in Potions, found a textbook that belonged to someone called 'The Halfa Prince'. And what is Paul up to, according the Mask of Masquerade?
© 2013 - 2024 JusSonic
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RyantheLionKing's avatar
Ryan: Uh, Redge...aren't supposed to be in class in a few minutes?

Redge: Uh-uh. Can't, Ry. I promised I'd go have a chat with the Te Xuan Zi Princess. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ryan: Oh, boy. (To the readers.) If I were Redge, I wouldn't do that. Because maybe June has realized that he's the one who stuffed poor Ben intro the drawer.

June: Hiiiiiii-yaaaaaah!

Ryan: Ooh. Strike the 'maybe'.