
TLMII: RttS: KH Version 5

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A happy Kairi returns to Maleficent's lair and goes to the witch herself, hugging her.

Kairi: Oh thank you, thank you! You are so...

She stops as she notices that Maleficent is crying (though it is only pretend).

Kairi: Sad? What's wrong?

Maleficent: (sighs) I shoulda known this would happen. I let you experienced it and now you obviously don't want to let go. Scar, I am a failure. (blews her nose) Sadly Kairi, your mermaid form will not last. Soon you will turned back into a human in a few hours.

Kairi: (shocked) What?! But I don't want to be a human again! Isn't there any way you could stay like this?!

Maleficent: Unfortunately, there isn't. (pauses) Well, there is. But I don't think I should think of it. It is dangerous after all.

Kairi: What's dangerous?

Maleficent: You see, I am at my most powerful if I have my trident. I could make the spell longer.

Maleficent uses her staff to make an image of the trident.

Maleficent: But unfortunately, it was stolen years ago by a crazy thief.

She then makes an image of King Triton, only more crazy and evil life.

Maleficent: (sighs) Sadly, I don't think anyone is brave enough to get it back.

Kairi: Hey, I bet I could do it.

Maleficent: (fake surprise) You will? You will recover my precious trident?

Kairi: Of course, but only if you agree to make me a mermaid for all time.

Maleficent: (smiling) Why of course. Anything you want, I shall give.

Maleficent makes a map float over and she gives it to the former human.

Maleficent: Now the thief should live (points) here.

Kairi looks at the map and is surprised to see the word 'Atlantica' on it.

Kairi: "Atlantica"? You mean it isn't a legend and it does exist???

Maleficent: It always has. Who on earth who give you the idea that it hasn't?

Kairi: (frowning) My mother, that's who.

Maleficent: How unfortunate. Of course, I'm sure she didn't want to be like that to you.

Kairi: I will be back with your trident. I will do this, you can count on me!

Kairi then swims out while Maleficent waves goodbye.

Maleficent: Mind yourself my dear and be careful. Enjoy your power. (sinisterly) While you still can.

A while later, Kairi swims around the arctice as she looks at the map looking for Narnia.

Kairi: Hmmm, okay I need to go South to Two Circles, I think it's north, or is it east...

Suddenly some wind came by and knocks the map out of her hands. To her horror, it fell to the ground destroying it instantly. There is nothing left but the remains.

Kairi: (shocked) Oh no! My map! How will I find Atlantica without it??

Suddenly she hears a commotion and turns to see a couple of penguins forming a chain to save a child that is stranded on an iceberg with a shark circling around him.

Mother: Hold on sweetie! We will save you!

Child: Mom, hurry!

Male Penguin #1: I don't think I can get to her!

Mother: Oh dear! Who will help us?!

Suddenly a noise of fanfare is heard as two figures came onto the scene. As Kairi watches, two weird looking animals shows up. One of them is half meerkat, half water penguin, while the other seems to be a half warthog, half turtle.

Penguin: Never fear, we are hear to save the day! We are stronger than a storm! (strikes a pose) Braver than a sea monster!

The turtle knocks the penguin into a tree. The half creature recovers as he continues.

Penguin: Faster than a fish, we are the brave adventures.

Turtle: Slash explorers.

Penguin: Timon and his buddy Pumbaa!

Male Penguin #2: (groaning OH no.

Male Penguin #2: Not those idiots again!

Timon: We can do this, Pumbaa! We will get redemption for sure!

The two creatures climbed down the chain making it longer. Those linked already groan and ocmplain.

Timon: We will be heroes, I just know it.

Pumbaa: It won't be back to being laughingstocks anymor!

Timon: Too easy!

The two begins swinging back and forth as they try to catch the girl.

Timon: 1, 2...shark.

Suddenly the penguin looks shocked as he sees the shark below.

Timon: SHARK?!

Timon and Pumbaa scream like cowards as they climb up the chain causing it to be unstable. Soon those on the chain fell down to the iceberg causing the child to be fly off to the arms of her mother.

Child:: (crying) Mommy!

The iceberg tips over. The two 'heroes' yelps as they see the shark about to eat them. They run to the other side as the shark tries to get them. It only results in sending everyone on the iceberg flying onto the platform where the mother and her child are at.

Timon: Hey, we lived!

However the platform soon collapses as they fell to the ground below, causing the shark to get cover by ice and snow while the water froze up. Everyone came out of the snow shocked and upset.

Timon: See, Pumbaa? It works!

Mother: (angrily) What is wrong with you two?!

Pumbaa: Well, we were trying to be herpoes, I guess.

Mother: Ha! You went and abandoned my baby! That isn't being heroes and you almost killed us!!!

Male Penguin #1: Some heroes you are!

Male Penguin #3: More like a zeroes, huh?

Male Penguin #1: (laughing) Godo one!

Timon: Now hold...

He frowns as everyone laughs at him in Pumbaa. Saddened by the laughter, Timon and Pumbaa left the scene.

Timon: (exclaiming) We will be heroes one day. Laugh all you want, but we'd show you!

He sighs as he and his friend move on. As they got onto an iceberg, Kairi swims over to them.

Kairi: Hey guys.

The two screams and hold each other like cowards.

Kairi: Whoa, whoa! Hold it! I didn't mean to scare you! Don't worry, I won't hurt you!

Timon: (nervously) Us? Scared? We aren't scared, right Pumbaa?

Pumbaa: Yeah, we are...making an evasive manuever, yeah!

Kairi: (giggling) I see. My name is Kairi.

Pumbaa: My name is Pumbaa and this is my pal Timon!

Timon: (groaning) Oh sure, Pumbaa. Give out our secrets why don't ya? You blew our cover!

Pumbaa: Hey, I was trying to be nice!

Kairi: Look guys. I got to go. I hope you could tell...

Pumbaa: (angrily) Timon, she's leaving! Thanks a lot!

Timon: Why are you blaming me for?! She's...she's...

Kairi: Guys?

Timon: She doesn't like the smell of turtles, yeah!

Pumbaa: (angrily) Oh yeah?! (gets into Timon's face) Well maybe she doesn't like penguins who can't catch his own grub!

Kairi: Guys?

Timon: You can't do so yourself!

Pumbaa: And you're small!

Kairi: Guys???

Timon: can't catch your own grub!!!

Kairi: Guys, will you please listen?!

The two stops arguing as they turned to her.

Kairi: Thank you. Now can you tell me how to get to Atlantica? I am running out of time.

Pumbaa: (puzzled) Why you would want to go to Atlantica for?

Kairi: I got to recover something for a friend of mine. If I don't get it back soon...

Pumbaa: Then what would happened?

Kairi: (sighs) I turn back into a human.

Timon: Whoa, whoa, turn back into a human? Kid, I knew there's something odd about you. Sorry to break it to ya, kid but we can't help. Let us know how it turns out though.

Pumbaa: We can take you to Atlantica!

Kairi: (overjoy) Really???

Timon: (shocked) Pumbaa, Pumbaa, what are you doing?!

Pumbaa: Timon, she is one of those girls in distress. If we help her, this could make us heroes for sure!

Timon: But...

Pumbaa: Come on, Timon, please?

Timon: (groaning Oy vey. Half warthogs. I am probably going ot regret this but...count me in. Time to go to Atlantica!

Kairi: You guys are great! Thank you!

She grabs the two, hugging and kissing them.

Timon: (gets out of hold) Whoa, whoa, kid. Let set the rules here. There's boundaries.

Pumbaa: To Atlantica!

The three happily heads out to Atlantica as Timon and Pumbaa begins to sing.

Timon and Pumbaa: (singing) Braving the airs, swarming the sea
Beware Heartless, drop to your knee

Timon scares a little fish who runs for it. Timon turned and yelps as he sees that it was a Soldier Heartless that scared it, and now it scared Timon as well.

Timon and Pumbaa: (singing) Defending our friends and enemies
As big as a whale.

Timon pokes his friend in the belly fat making him yelp.

Pumbaa: Hey!

Kairi: (singing) With a much smaller tail.

Pumbaa: (confused) I have a tail?

Timon and Pumbaa: (signing) Facing the foe with our fearless wit
Daring the dastards to put up their dukes
Great gobs of gore, we'll storm the shore
And seek the unknown.

They got on a island and yelps as a volcano is about to blow.

Pumbaa: (whining) Then can we go home?

Soon it exploded makign a big wave that our duo is riding as Kairi swims near them.

Timon and Pumbaa: (singing) Titanic Timon and Daring Pumbaa
Adventurers slash explorers
Titanic Timon and Daring Pumbaa
Adventurers slash explorers
Our Gallant quest’s to do
Our best and smile for our adorers.

Kairi: (singing) We’ll save the day.

Pumbaa: (singing) And make a splash!

Timon and Pumbaa: (singing) Titanic Timon and Daring Pumbaa.

Soon they arrived on dry land. Timon smirks as he grabs a stick and is fighting wiht a giant crab behind a big leaf.

Timon: (singing) We’ll clobber those monsters with their clammy claws.

As the fight goes into the open though, it turns out that Timon was fighting a wimpy crab that has a big shadow.

Pumbaa: (singing) We'll sever those sharks with their savage jaws.

We see Pumbaa looking through a telescope and sees a big shark. Of course, all he saw was a guppy through the big end.

Timon: (singing) The battle is fierce.

Pumbaa: (singing) And mercilly brief.

Kairi: (singing) Because they're heroes they return as kings of the reef.

We see the duo sitting at a table as if they are royalty.

Timon: (singing) Dine with the best, dressed with a flair
Climbed every mountain because it's there
Come on, follow me, we'll make history
To courage

Kairi: The trident!

Pumbaa: Or bust!

Soon they all sing.

All: (singing) Titanic Timon and Daring Pumbaa
Adventurers slash explorers
Titanic Timon and Daring Pumbaa
Adventurers slash explorers

Timon: (singing) We’ll save the day.

Pumbaa: (singing) And make a Splash!

Kairi: (singing) Kairi!

Timon: (singing) Timon!

Pumbaa: (singing) And daring Pumbaa!

Soon the three swing through the sea as they finish the song up.

All: (singing) All for three and three for one
Atlantica, here we come!

They soon looks excited as they have arrived at the city of Atlantica. They see the palace which is big and beautiful.

Kairi: (happily) I knew it! Atlantica is real! All right!

In Maleficent's cave, the sea witch looks at the scene through the orb on top of her staff once more smirking evilly.

Maleficent: Very good, Princess. You are almost there.

She turns to the Aquatank Heartless nearby.

Maleficent: Make sure our guest returns with the trident with no interfence, hmmm?
Maleficent sends Kairi to 'get the trident' back. Along the way, the former human meets up with two unlikely heroes named Timon and Pumbaa.
© 2007 - 2024 JusSonic
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Disneydude94's avatar
I really love your story. You put Kari, Timon, Pumbaa, and Maleficent in this story. I love your story!