
Pinkie Ruiner chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Uninvited

Sugarcube Corner is unusually quiet today, especially when there are decorations up front. Rainbow tries to open the door but it is locked. The pony rang the doorbell.

Mr. Cake peeks from the back of the house while calling out, "We're back here, Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah, probably, that's a given. Hey, balloons." Rainbow said as she glances at some balloons nearby and prepares to take them when a familiar mare stops her.

"Hey, don't touch those!" Mrs. Cake scolds Rainbow, slapping her hoof away from the balloons. "Do you know how much time it took to find those balloons?"

Rainbow grunts a bit as he walks along the side, following Mrs. Cake who is no doubt about to help her husband with the party for Pinkie Pie. The Pegasus pony notes a shrubbery with branches sticking out on top.

"Well, don't know about shrubbery, but even this pony knows an unclipped, red-headed but ugly step-hedge when I see it," Rainbow comments. The pony goes up to the Cakes who are hard at work while their twin foals, Pound and Pumpkin Cake, were playing, "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Cake."

"Hey, Rainbow, what can we do you for?" Mr. Cake asks Rainbow curiously.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard that there's going to be a party going on around here...and I wasn't invited."

"Oh, that. Well, that was no rumor."

"Oh, good to hear it," Rainbow said with a smile. For a moment, it looks like...

"It's actually true, little filly!" Mrs. Cake snaps sternly to Rainbow, much to her shock. So it's true! The blue Pegasi isn't invited at the party at all!

"What? Why?"

"Do you remember the last time we let Pinkie talked us into inviting you a party?"


At a party in Sugarcube Corner, the ponies were having a good time outside...until they saw Rainbow, dressed up like a pirate, jumping on the roof while roaring, "I am Lord Dashelmort, here for your souls! All shall kneel before me; Ha ha ha!"

"Look out!" Mr. Cake screams in alarm. He and Mrs. Cake grab the twin foals and run off with the other ponies as the mad Rainbow jump off the roof and flew right into the cake.

Rainbow of course crash into the cake, ruining the whole thing...

End Flashback

"Nah, not really," Rainbow said uneasily, looking backward as if pretending not to remember what happened the last time.

"Well, we do! And we aren't inviting you to this one or any of Pinkie's future parties until you pay off the damages you did!" Mrs. Cake snaps sternly to Rainbow. Apparently, the pony is banned from any of Pinkie's parties until she pay off damages.

"I can't believe you're throwing a party for a wild and crazy pony!"

"What? Oh, you mean Pinkie Pie." Mr. Cake said, realizing what Rainbow just said. "Yeah, she can be crazy but Pinkie Pie is the closest thing that we have to a first daughter."

"Anyway, this party was originally going to be for a vegetable garden that we are growing." Mrs. Cake explains to Rainbow as she motions to a garden that Pound and Pumpkin Cake are playing in. "But since rarely any ponies goes to that one, we decided to put Pinkie Pie into the mix. Now every pony's coming."

"Ahem!" Rainbow clears her throat, reminding the Cakes as to who isn't invited to the party, much to her annoyance.

"Oh, right. Almost, everyone," Mr. Cake said in correction.

"Thanks...I noticed that shrub out front. What a sad and pathetic display. It looks like the whole thing is made out of ugly sticks that someone beats it with."

"Yes, sad isn't it?" Mrs. Cake admits, feeling a bit sad for the shrub. "I would trim it but my hedge spears are in the sop."

"Wait, Ponyville has a hedge-shears fixing shop?" Rainbow asks Mrs. Cake wondering if she heard Pinkie's female boss right.

"Well, okay, it's Doctor Whooves's lab but he likes to call it a shop sometimes."

"Pinkie Pie told me that you got my Snake Fighter 5 manual. Do you have it?"

"Oh, that." Mr. Cake said, knowing what Rainbow is talking about. "You see, honey bun here was going to use it in our Pinkie Pie float." The Pegasus pony screams in terror upon hearing hat, "But no worry. We gave it to Spitfire who likes to look at the pictures."

"Wait, Spitfire of the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow asks in surprise upon hearing the name of one of the Wonderbolts. Spitfire is in Ponyville?

"Yes. She is in charge of that race thing that Pinkie is running in!" Mrs. Cake announces happily. Rainbow glances at a giant float of Pinkie Pie nearby with a trophy.

"Man; that is definitely one good huge looking version of Pinkie Pie."

"Oh you like it? My husband and I use the magic made from the vegetable products from our prize-winning organic garden!"

"Figures that Pinkie Pie was a vegetable at times," Rainbow jokes a bit. "Anyway, how come she gets a giant float anyhow?"

"Because Pinkie Pie is one of our best employees that we got...well, the only one anyway," Mr. Cake explains to Rainbow proudly. "She deserves one after all."

Rainbow glances at the banner hanging on top of Sugarcube Corner, causing her to comment, "Victory for 'Pinkie Pie' Garden Party? No offense, but you are celebrating a bit too soon. She didn't even race yet."

"Oh, Mr. Cake and I like to think of it as positive thinking!" Mrs. Cake explains to Rainbow with a smile. "If we can visualize Pinkie Pie winning that race, then by golly, she's going to win the race."

"Ugh, come on. I'm starting to make myself start positive puking here!"

"Oh, I visualized that yesterday."

"I am starting to think that this party is showing more of that garden than celebrating whatever unlikely racing victory that Pinkie Pie would have." Rainbow said, glancing at how the party looks like something about the garden than Pinkie Pie.

"Don't be silly, Rainbow." Mr. Cake giggles as he tends to the kids. "We wouldn't put our needs of our garden items above those of..."

"Pinkie Pie."

"Right, I know that; Derpy; just making sure that you do!"

Rainbow smirks as she remarks mischievously, "Hey, you two; Nice DORKOrations; Ha ha ha!"

Mrs. Cake, not amused by Rainbow's bullying remark, protests, "Excuse me! Mr. Cake and I have been working on those for a week now!"

"WEAK is more like it! Perhaps you should do yourselves a favor and try working on them for a RAINBOW; Ha ha ha!"

"Ugh! Leave now, Rainbow Dash. I am not in the mood for your attitude right now."

"Sorry, just messing with you two." Rainbow apologizes quickly. "Well, this has been a little slice of torture...sort of and in my opinion, but I better run."

"Good riddance to bad karma, of course."

Rainbow trots off, thinking of a few things like entering the race. The Pegasus pony spots the onion patch and grins while saying, "Onion...stinky and ripe! I better pick some up for a stew later on or whatever."

Rainbow pulls out an onion out of the garden and heads back to the track to speak to Spitfire about entering the race.


Rainbow finds Spitfire looking at a watch and keeping an eye on things. The pony is very excited to be talking to one of her idols in the Wonderbolts!

"Hey, Spitfire," Rainbow exclaims as she goes up to Spitfire who looks up and saw her. "What's the good word, Wonderbolt sis?"

"Can't talk for too long, Rainbow Dash," Spitfire said to Rainbow, "Got to make sure that this race goes off without a hitch!"

"Speaking of which, what is this race that you speak of? I'm curious."

"What? You didn't know? It's time for the Ponyville Triannual Race to the End of the Race!"

Rainbow looks confused. She could've sworn that that she herself heard some fanfare coming from out of nowhere. Of course, the pony shakes it off while asking, "What? Say that again?"

Spitfire motions to the obstacle course which considers of the pool with the log in it, a pogo stick of some kind that is holding an anvil, a hurdle, a carton of milk and a tortoise; The Wonderbolt explains, "It's of course the PTRER! Every 3 years or so, the greatest athletes in Equestria pit their pits against the most grueling obstacle made by any ponies in hopes of winning the incredible...Ponyville Triannual Race to the End of the Race Silver Trophy of Ultimate Destiny!" The fanfare is heard once more.

"In other words the PTRERSTUD?

"You betcha!"

Rainbow pauses then smiles while asking, "So Spitfire, before I ask you the real reason as to why I'm here...are there any auditions to be a member of your Wonderbolt team?" The Pegasus pony dreamt of joining the Wonderbolts someday.

"Well, not at the moment but when we do have tryouts, you will be on the list." Spitfire promises Rainbow with a nod.

"Now then, I had a talk with my pal Pinkie Pie. I, Rainbow Dash, have decided to enter and dominate the Ponyville Triannual Race to the End of the Race!" Rainbow announces to Spitfire eagerly with the usual fanfare playing. "So where's the starting line? I'm ready."

"Uh, yeah, that's a problem, Rainbow. You see, the race's deadline for entering was a month ago."

"Wait, what? I was too late to enter?"

"Afraid so; should've entered before then, Rainbow," Spitfire apologizes to Rainbow while shrugging a bit. That's what the blue Pegasus pony get for not finding out about the race sooner. "So far, there are only two official entrants for this year's race: Pinkie Pie and Applejack."

"Uh...not actually your battle of the titans, Spitfire; to be honest, it would've worked if it was me against Applejack. You know about our friendly rivalry, right?" Rainbow asks Spitfire with a frown; Applejack vs. Pinkie Pie; Not much to look at, to be honest since Rainbow herself is the one who fought the farming Earth pony.

"True. We probably should've put up some flyers or something."

"Oh, BTW, a huge cake told me that you have my Snake Fighter 5 manual."

"Oh? Is that what that was?" Spitfire asks Rainbow while blinking a bit, upon realizing what she just said. "I was using it to clean my..."

"Ugh! No! No, don't say that!" Rainbow exclaims in a panic. She doesn't want to even hear or think about what Spitfire was using the manual for the game for!

"Then I gave it to that Doctor Whooves stallion so he could scour his..."

"NO MORE, NO MORE! Ugh. Anyway, can I please be in the race, Spitfire? I gotta prove myself here."

"Sorry, rules are rules, Rainbow." Spitfire said to Rainbow with a shrug. "Only Pinkie Pie and Applejack are allowed to complete in the Ponyville Triannual Race to the End of the Race." The fanfare is heard once more. "Try again in 3 more years."

"Well, I will see you soon. Keep that spot in the Wonderbolts open for me." Rainbow said while ending the conversion with the Wonderbolt.

Well, so much for entering the race to beat Pinkie Pie. Now Rainbow has to find another way to satisfy that fan of hers. First, she decided to pay a visit to Doctor Whooves.

"Let's map looks a bit unnourished." Rainbow said while checking her map. "I gotta throw Doctor Whooves's lab here somewhere..."

Rainbow puts Doctor Whooves's lab right on the map then heads on off.


At the lab, Rainbow walks up to Doctor Whooves who is out front, standing behind a counter that doubles as a window of his place. The pony smiles while saying, "Hey there Doctor Whooves!"

"Oh hey Rainbow Dash," Doctor Whooves said, grinning upon seeing Rainbow. "Have you beaten up Pinkie Pie in a friendly fight yet?"

"Huh? Who told you that? How did..."

"Come on, remember? I am your internet provider! I read all your e-mail!"

Of course, for some reason, Doctor Whooves thinks that he has the right to read everyone's e-mails that he provides for his customers. Rainbow, not having time to discuss that, spoke up, "You know Mr. and Mrs. Cake, right? They send pick up their hedge shears." That isn't the truth of course, but the Pegasus pony figures that those shears will be useful.

"Oh, what a coincidence; Very awesome, I was just done fixing them up. Here you go!" Doctor Whooves exclaims as he took a pair of hedge shears out of hiding, giving them to Rainbow who looks at the things in amazement.

"Awesome! These things look cool!"

"I just put a few new things in those shears, rebuilding them with my gadgets and such. It's guaranteed to shave a shrub smoother than a baby's bottom."

"Really; Man, these things are too cool, even for the Cakes. I think...I will hold on to these babies. You know, give them a test drive before returning them." Rainbow said as she puts the shears...somewhere. "So Doctor Whooves, how's the fast paced world of your shops and science going?"

"Oh, it's biz-nasty as usual." Doctor Whooves remarks to Rainbow with a shrug.

"Hope you don't mind but you definitely let yourself go!"

"Whoa, come on! Are you calling me fat, Rainbow? I am small-boned, really!"

"More like old-boned." Rainbow jokes a bit making Doctor Whooves roll his eyes at the joke. She glances through the window and saw how messy that the inside of his lab is. "Horse feathers, Doctor Whooves, where are you going to get this place cleaned up?"

"Oh, I supposed you can do better?" Doctor Whooves challenges Rainbow. If this Pegasus pony can do better, he likes to see her try.

"Come on, I betcha even Fluttershy could do better...with one hoof tied behind her bag and is wearing a funeral bag thing over her head."

Surprisingly, a familiar yellow Pegasus pony appears, one hoof tied behind her bag and is wearing a funeral bag thing over her head, saying, "Uh, I'm here for your concessary needs and time stuff...if that's okay..."

As Fluttershy leaves, Doctor Whooves frowns while snapping, "Rainbow Dash, that's just mean, ignorant and unfortunately mostly true!"

"Well, gotta go." Rainbow said as if what happened didn't seem to be a problem at all.

"Drop back again at any time."

Rainbow heads off to take a look, spotting a box and peeks under it while saying, "Box peering...whoa!" The pony smiles eagerly as she pulls out what appears to be a familiar cover. "Awesome! It's the cover of the 'Snake Fighter 5' manual! Maybe if I find the rest, I can find the cheat code that unlocks the Snake Fighter's super secret forbidden move!"

Rainbow continues walking around the field around the lab and spots an unkempt hedge. The pony took out the hedge shears, time to test these babies out!

"This hedge is the disease...and only I am the cure!" Rainbow booms madly. She trims the hedge quickly until the Pegasus pony is done. Now the hedge itself looks like one carriage. "All right, that is one hedge that I'm proud to take to any Gala no matter how lame they are now!"

Rainbow spots some hedge trimmings on the ground underneath the hedge, taking them while saying, "Hedge trimmings. Never get enough of these!"

Rainbow continues on until she arrives at a tree. With a grin, the pony exclaims, "Whoa! It's the Tree!" Fanfare is heard from...somewhere. Who knows? "Stick it out some more, Tree! It's the Tree!" More fanfare is heard. "And...okay, that's all there is. Wow."

Rainbow sees a box nearby and looks under it while mumbling, "I wonder...all right!" The pony took out what appears to be a polo shirt for ponies. "No wonder I couldn't find my Wonderbolts polo shirt! Better put this in booth for safe keeping."

Next Rainbow flew up until she arrives in Cloudsdale...her own version of it anyway. Taking out the metal detector, the pony looks around until the electric guitar riff is heard, causing Rainbow to put down another treasure marker.

"Nice! I will put this treasure marker her so I know where to dig later!" Rainbow announces eagerly. So far, so good!

Rainbow wonders what to do next. She can't enter the race and beating up Pinkie Pie in a friendly fight is too easy. So the Pegasus pony has one option left: ruin her victory party. Yeah, sounds mean but it's the only option left that Rainbow has at this point to satisfy an e-mail sender.

Rainbow flew back to Sugarcube Corner on a mission of sorts.

Author's note
Well, Rainbow can't enter the race so she decides to try to ruin her party. In order to do so, the Pegasus pony must lure the Cakes away, using Pinkie Pie's cell phone to make a few prank calls. After visiting the pink Earth pony in the locker room, Rainbow trashes the party itself. What will happen? Read, review and suggest.
Rainbow finds out why she isn't invited to the party, tries to enter the race and got hedge shears from Doctor Whooves.
© 2012 - 2024 JusSonic
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Greenrob's avatar
nice job with this