
A24: Loud and Miss Info 4.3

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{We go up to see Charity's pod is already high in the air: and she's passed out. Inside, the fire is spreading like crazy all over the place. It looks like the spider can no longer hold up, and from outside, we see in one final large and brilliant blast, the giant spider finally explodes. The fire destroys the part of the White House below it instantly, and in the part that remains, fire is spreading through the halls very quickly. Debris is falling through the roof like comets, and in a few short seconds, in an explosion which is actually not imitating the one from "Independence Day" the rest of the White House explodes. Debris is flying everywhere in sight, and the people on the ground run everywhere to avoid it. The fire is still going, though not as much. Just then, Charity's escape pod falls to the ground, and is soon joined by the other three pods. Behind them, the fire is beginning to fade away, and it is only then that the doors open in one of the pods, and Loud comes out. The people on the ground then finally notice the pods}

Smartypants: Look everyone, there they are! They made it!

Pepper: They're alive? AHHH, this is wonderful!{Harry, Lydia and Miss Info come out}

Miss Info: Hey, look who's come to greet us!{The Histerians rush toward them}

Father Time: You guys did it! The spider's destroyed, the missile failed, and Gene's dead isn't he?

Harry:{Somber}I'm sorry, I have bad news....{Bright}for Vincent Morre if he can still hear us, this time he's really dead! No one could have survived that!

Sammy: Wow, you guys finished him and our own Lydia helped! You must have kicked some real back out there!{Pause}Ever thought of midseason replacement action shows?

Lydia: I'd much rather censor violence than do some myself, thanks. That's one moral standard I won't compromise.

Miss Info: So where's the one that caused Gene's well deserved demise?

Pule: Caused it? Didn't you guys, um, snuff him?

Lydia: It wasn't any of us, it was Charity.

Nathan: Bazaar?! The little depressed girl from your show? Someone who had nothing to do with this originally finished this? Well that's kinda odd and anticlimactic, isn't it?

Loud: She had everything to do with this, but I can't explain it now!

Harry: Why hasn't she come out yet?{He goes over to Charity's pod, looks into it through the window and gasps}Everyone, come quick! Die Loud, Miss Info and Harry, die!

{The rest rush to the pod and with the doors now open, everyone can see Charity's motionless form}

Smartypants:{Coming into the pod}My goodness, I can instantly tell that there was no air in here!

Harry: He must have cut off the air supply and she passed out. And it looks like she got slashed repeatedly by those claws, she had no air to breathe and blood's been lost!

Loud:{Scared}That motionless form doesn't mean she's..she's...

Harry: She's not dead, but she's not breathing. She has a weak pulse. Does anyone here know CPR?!

Nathan: Hey, you're a doctor, why don't you do it?

Harry: I'm not a medical doctor, I'm a doctor of science and I don't know the first thing about CPR! Someone please come here who does!

Loud:{Trembling}I'll do it.

Nathan: Hey, we've been trying to live with a little kid loving an adult, but an adult giving CPR to a little kid is just too creepy!

Lydia: Shut up with that! It's her only chance! Now back up and give her room!{They all do so and Loud starts administrating mouth to mouth}

Aka: She's, she's not gonna die, is she?

Loud: Please don't talk like that, with the right techniques she'll wake up!{Looks up to the sky}Please, whoever's up there, make her wake up to prove me right.

{Back in the underground warehouse, we see a figure on the top of the ladder below the door on it's roof. The figure then turns the doorknob on the door, then opens the door and jumps off the ladder, hanging on by holding the doorknob, because by opening the door, debris from the explosion falls through the opening. When it stops, he goes back onto the ladder and finds himself outside because there is no more White House. He then pulls out binoculars and can now see what's going on as Loud continues to perform CPR. The Histerians of course look on worried, even the former army members begin to show emotion. Many other people come on to watch. Charity still hasn't waken up yet}

Sammy: I know a lot about these situations from the dramatic end of movies, and they don't usually show it taking this long to revive someone.

Bill: What movies were you seeing?

Sammy: Hey, this is real life, Billy, not movies!

Smartypants: She probably was passed out for some time and she probably did lose a good amount of blood.

Loud:{Desperate}Please, stop talking like that, she still has a pulse!

W.O.W: But, it could be that she lost enough air and blood that still having a pulse might not make a difference. I'm not saying she's gonna be dead, but these things do happen.{Loud is stung by this and quickly ponders life without her, and becomes even more desperate}

Loud: NO! It can't end like this, please wake up!{She administers mouth to mouth again, but she doesn't revive}Come on, wake up, please!{He does it again and still nothing, he then looks up without looking at her, almost resigned to losing her}Please...

{A lone tear begins to streak down his face. Some of his friends are near tears themselves. Just then, a hand reaches up towards Loud's face and wipes the tear away. He looks shocked, then looks down to see Charity awake, she looks weak, but she's alive}  

Harry: She's alive!

W.O.W: Ha, I've never been more happy to be wrong in my life!

Loud: You're, you're alive.{Jubliant}YOU'RE ALIVE, YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!{Stops}Oops, sorry about that, after what you went through, the last thing you need is hearing another loud outburst.

Charity: Loud or not, it's still good to hear your voice again. In case you had doubts, I got him, he's finally dead.

Harry: And look!{Points to the rubble}Look what you've done, not to the White House but to the spider! You saved us all!

Chit: Yeah, even I am surprised since you are not originally one of the regular players.

Loud: If you don't want to say you did it by yourself, let's at least say you played a very big part. It's over, we won!

Charity: I'm...

Loud: Oh no, you're not gonna say "I'm not happy" are you?

Charity: You didn't let me finish. I'm_so_happy!

{Loud helps Charity up, Miss Info came over and they share a big hug. The Histerians surround them and cheer. Nathan then begins to clap at the sight}

Nathan: Come on everyone, clap and cheer, they saved us all!

{A few people join Nathan in the clapping, then everyone claps and begins to cheer. Soon they're cheering uproariously. Loud and Miss Info smile widely at this, then turn to each other and kiss long and lovingly. Everyone is cheering...and wouldn't you know it, suddenly gunshots are heard. Everyone turns around and looks at the rubble to see Morre, obviously the figure from earlier, holding a gun and looking pretty angry, and also looking pretty banged up}

Pule: Oh, not again!

Susanna: Oh geez.

Morre: Don't you people clap another second!{Starts to walk over and goes around the crater}You're cheering for people who almost got you all killed! Look, the White House, the symbol of democracy, is destroyed, and you came this close to being conquered and enslaved! And what about all the other damage around the city, and the lives lost too?! They wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them, and yet you clap for them?! Shame on you! This isn't a happy ending!{Reaches over and grabs Loud}This is a happy ending!{Points his gun at him}

Miss Info: Over my dead body it is!

Morre: That will be arranged soon enough. There will be no sinful wedding now!

Nathan:{Pulls out his army gun}Let them go now.

Morre:{Low}Stand down, soldier.

Nathan: I'm not a soldier anymore. Gene's dead, and therefore we don't need an army anymore since he can't rule over us anymore. You have no power over us. The country's free, it's all over!

Morre: So let's tie up the loose ends and let it heal! They...they killed your family!

Nathan: No, Gene Burrows killed my family. He was a madman who deserved his fate, and they helped me realize that.

Morre: Then you're the victim of mindless propaganda!

Nathan: It wouldn't be the first time for any of us. I was going to become just like him if they didn't interfere, and you're going to turn into him too if you haven't already. Do you know what that man almost did? He wasn't planning national conquest, he planned to destroy the city to kill them, and he almost succeeded!

Morre: He....he did?

Harry: Yes, he only used that empty threat as a way to form the army and get them to kill us. I know you want very much to kill us, but would you ever do what Gene was planning to do to do it?

Morre: Who do you think I am?! I want you dead very much, but I'd never kill millions of people to do it. A few are acceptable, but not that few!

Father Time: But if you keep trying to kill us, you will go that far eventually.

Morre: No I wouldn't, never, that's why I have to finish you now! So this never happens again!

Sammy: This is exactly how Gene got started, he didn't want to harm any other people, and he still wound up almost killing us all. And don't you find it ironic that once you were obsessed with trying to save people lives by being a doctor, now you're obsessed with ending them?

Bill: Great time to say something useful. Now to drive it home, what about any family you might have, would this make them proud?

Morre: My, no, they understand this....right?

Nathan: Listen, Vincent, I know what you've been going through with your name and such, but once you kill them, what then? Will that really change the scope of things, once you succeed, it doesn't. Do you think people will revere you for killing the people that saved the country, that'll make it worse. Shouldn't you stop the pain of all you suffered through now, forget about this, and try to move on?

Morre: I never thought of it that way.{Lets Loud go}Why was I chosen as the tortured, unfortunate one?!{Breaks down}

Sammy: Wow, we're good at making people cry.

Loud: There there, I know what it's like to live with torture, though no one can ever say they went through it like I did. But I finally got over it and realized nothing that happened here was my fault, you have different problems, but I think you can get over them. If I can recover from losing my childhood, anything's possible.

Morre: But how? You got to forfill your disturbed fantasies by being with an adult, I have nothing! How can I get over all that's happened to me in a way that can please everyone involved?{He ponders for a few seconds, then brightens up. He comes over to Loud and Charity and smiles at them....then grabs them again and points his gun at them}

Nathan: Whoa, wait a minute, what the heck do you think you're doing?!

Morre: I just came to a realization. I don't want to kill them for revenge, I want to kill them because they represent all the demons I'm facing, the hardships! If I kill them, it may not cure my troubles right away, but it will be a great first step! Then, yes then I can go away, escape the people who have and still will cause me trouble, take my family with me, and I'll be surrounded by the people who can help me get over all that's happened and rehabilitate me, away from anyone else who can destroy that! Then, by the time I'm cured, no one will remember who I am and will have gotten over what happened, and I can live again!

Harry: When we meant get on with your life, we didn't mean you could still kill them!

Morre: But you want me to get better, right? This is the start towards my redemption!{Cocks his gun}

Nathan:{Aims his gun}You pull that trigger any further, and I swear I'll kill you myself.

Morre: You wouldn't dare.

Nathan: Just watch me.

{Morre is this close to firing, but before he does, Nathan fires and shoots him in the hand, which causes him to drop his gun before he fires. He clutches his hand and screams in pain, then turns around to see the entire army pointing their guns at him. He stares at them shocked for a moment, then turns and runs away}

Morre: You'd better not relax after this, Histerians! I'll soon be back!

Nathan: Not bloody likely. Everyone, turn your guns and concentrate firepower on a piece of metal debris! We can't let him escape and continue this horrible circle in Gene's place, it must end now!

Army: YES SIR!{They all aim their guns at a metal plate about a few feet long inside the rubble as Morre is running away from it}

Nathan: Let's make our final act as an army a successful and honorable one. Fire!

{Everyone fires their guns and the laser blasts all hit the metal plate and another few foot long plate, they fly into the air. Morre then turns around from this, and then sees one of the plates streak downward at him. It hits his legs and he goes down, he's obviously in more pain. The plate has covered his legs, he struggles to get it off him: then notices the other metal plate is going down, and is coming right at him. With no place to move, it looks like he's done for, and he knows it}

Morre: Gene my friend, I hope you haven't gotten too lonely in heaven yet...because company's coming for you.

{He closes his eyes and prepares for his fate. We don't see the plate land on him, but after it does, we see the plate has covered the rest of him. His hand then goes limp}

Nathan: Hmm, and thus the circle of pain finally ends.

The Good Fairy:{V.O}And after all these months, the threat is finally least this current one, the ones that develop over the next 30 years still arrive, but you know what I mean.

{We look at the covered form of Morre once more, then we fade to see his uncovered form being carried by citizens. They are in the crater left behind from the spider's laser blast, and they place Morre's dead form in the center of it}

Harry: There, that should be setup for a proper burial for him. Once they put ground there again, that'll be his final resting place.

Loud: If he wasn't evil, I'd feel completely sorry for him. Well, at least now no one's left to challenge us.

Man: Does this mean we're celebrating again? We've done that three times and then something bad's happened.

Voice:{Familiar Southern accent}Well, that makes it all the more greater that I'm here to help end that.{The Clintons come into view}

Harry: President Clinton, what are you doing here so soon?

Bill Clinton: Well, it was so hard to get out of the city from the bomb cause of that huge crowd, so we decided we'd come here to congratulate whoever won here in case the bomb didn't go.

Miss Info: Well, it didn't, so are you gonna do that to us?

Bill Clinton: Yes I am. On behalf of the people of Washington and the entire nation, I'd like to thank y'all for saving our city and our nation, and to apologize for all that's happened to you these last few months especially the awkward relationship, which I'm sure we played a part in. But I apologize for that cause saving the city and the nation far overshadows all the bad things you may have done!

Loud: Well Gene's a master at manipulating everyone, so no harm done, at least not now.

Bill Clinton: And that's why I'm also offering you, as my first act as reinstated President, to rescind the order to have all your episodes burned, and to reinstate your show!

Sammy: That's wonderful, that's incredible!

Loud: No thank you, Mr. President.

Sammy: What?!

Fetch: Hey pal, what gives, I thought you'd be happy, you're back on TV.

Loud: And how will it be able to erase what the first time did to us? I'm not going off on a rant against the show, or TV itself, besides the show did bring about a few good things{looks over at his friends}but I will say this. That show showcased the dark side of me all too often, the dark side that yelled all the time and inadvertently annoyed many people, the dark side that showed a bit too often in real life before this and that Gene Burrows insulted and used to try to kill me for all it was worth! Besides, I'm grown up and not the loud boy I used to be.

Lydia: True enough.

Sammy: Well, we can get rid of the dark side this time, show them what you've showed us recently.

Loud: No. To the point, I've finally been able to conquer and topple that dark side, and I don't want it coming back. What I want is to leave the world spotlight, and show my good side as a regular, normal kid again. I want to resume a normal life again and erase my name as an infamous household word permanently.{Looks at Charity and Miss Info}And I can't think of any better people I'd like to do it with. With my friend Charity and my fiancee Melissa.

Toast: Well, if he won't do it, neither will I, Mr. President dude!

Froggo: Neither will I, we can't return without him.

Lucky Bob: You are all correct, sirs!

Susanna: Besides, take one cast member out, you get a dull show in my opinion. I ain't taking the offer either.

Sammy: Well, I suppose it would be better to return to TV in something else than Histeria and move on from this whole thing. I'm sorry Mr. President, we must decline that offer.

Bill Clinton: Okay fine, who am I to make you change your mind?

Hilary: Can we at least set up a limo ride to the airport and set up a free plane ride to Burbank for you?

Harry: Of course, that would be great. Since it's all over now it's a good time to go home.

Bill Clinton: Well since I'm President again I've already ordered two for you coming right!{Two limos pull up in front of them}Well, by the time you get to the airport I'll have a flight set up for ya'll, so good bye and thanks again!

Father Time: You're welcome, it was our pleasure to make sure you left office via your Vice President or the son of George Bush taking over, good bye!

Bill: Was that meant to be a joke or a fact?

Chit: We'd tell ya but we decided not to.

W.O.W:{To Loud, Charity, Miss Info and Harry}We'll let you four sit in the front limo and we'll all crowd in the other.

Fetch: Yeah, I'm sure Loud would appreciate having some quiet time with his new fiancee, am I right?

Loud: Can you save those statements until we get back?

Fetch: Fine, it'll give me time to think of more to say then!

Lydia: And Melissa, I got to say...congratulations. You probably don't hear that much from me because of my usual thing but...

Miss Info: It's okay, Lydia.

Lydia: And I hope we can still be friends. Sorry about...

Miss Info: Consider it forgiven!

Froggo: (to Pule) They did it. Pay up!

Pule: (groaning) Awww...

{The Histerians start getting into their separate limos and drive off. Nathan watches them go and salutes them}

Nathan: Good luck, and thanks for everything.{We go inside the main foursome's limo}

Harry:{Jokingly}Hey Loud, I think we should feel offended, usually it's the men and boys that save the day, this time it was the girls! Miss Info came up with the winning plan and Charity carried it out, we did nothing!

Loud: Well that would be something to ponder over, unless the girls you're referring to are as deserving as these two are.{To Charity}Miss Info started it, and thank you again for finishing the job of helping in conquering my dark side, and for saving us all, and...

Charity: If you went on, knowing you it'd take until the end of our flight to finish.

Miss Info:{leaings towards Loud}Besides, there are occasions where actions speak louder than words.{Loud leans towards her too}

Harry: Driver, if you have a button that activates a wall that blocks the view through the car's back window, kindly push it for them.

{The driver presses a button and a aforementioned small wall goes over the back window, to the disappointed of the kids in the other limo trying to see Loud and Miss Info kiss, some are sitting on the four adults laps}

Cho-Cho: Oh well, we'll probably have plenty more chances to see them kiss, since it looks like they'll be really happy together despite the obvious.

Pepper: And in the meantime we can shun the spotlight and live like normal kids again, just like Loud suggested! Ah ha ha!!

Aka: Or as close to normal as some of us get.

Pule: Why bother? We will just forget what we decided on and go back to TV again.

Bill: Ixnay, kid!

W.O.W: Oh, Billy! I loved it when you talk like that! (hugs Bill)

Bill: Me and my big mouth.

Smartypants: It's even greater for me, once word gets out of all the good inventions used during all this, my inventing career will take off!

Father Time: I'm probably going to be looking for a retirement home to finally rest in after all this excitement.

W.O.W: That would make two of us.

Sammy: Well I'm still part of the WB staff, maybe I can play a part in returning good, non over commercialized programming to Kids WB. But I'm probably gonna give up making movies, cause after all this, I feel like I've just lived in two of them!

{Back in the other limo, Loud and Miss Info break another kiss}

Loud: Oops, just realized I was only stroking your neck back there, I forget that you don't have a ponytail. Guess that means there won't be any beautiful hair to stroke in that area.{Miss Info giggles and blushes}Still, and this is probably the last romantic line I'll say until we get back, if there was a prize for inner beauty, you'd...well, you'd be in the top two among those ranks.

Charity: Come on, you can say she'd be number one, you don't need to dampen that line just to mention me, you emotional nut.

Loud: I do, because even though I now have a fiancee, I still haven't forgotten my best friend, who played a big role despite now having a big one to begin with. You know I'll still find time for you, for both of you. And you know why? Because{clears his throat and sings to the tune of "You are my Sunshine"}You are my sunshines, my special sunshines.

Charity/Miss Info:{Singing together}We make you happy when skies are gray.

Harry: How very true.{Sings}You'll always know Loud, how much they love you.

{He emphasizes the word you by touching him on the nose. Loud is beaming, and he's clearly back to his old cheerful self truly for the first time since it all began. The final line is heard as we see the limos drive away}

Harry/Charity/Miss Info:{Singing still}So we'll never take, your sunshines away.{We see the limos go out of view}

Bladder:{V.O}That was the scene a few hours ago as the Histerians left the area to go back home.

{We cut to Bladder reporting live as it's now almost nighttime}

Bladder: So one of the darkest chapters in recent history ends in the happiest way possible. All the bad guys are dead and will never threaten us again, or the Histerians. You know, Gene Burrows constantly told us that Loud, Miss Info and Harry were annoying, disgusting, and evil. But in a way, they are like all of us, especially now. Like all of us, they've faced adversity so many times these last few months, and have overcome it all. And they've also proven that beyond all our dark sides lies goodness in almost everyone, it's just sad we needed then to save us from destruction to do that, thanks to the late evil scientist. And now, like the city of Washington, they are rebuilding and carrying on to a better life, as the city rebuilds from the damage of the last two days to renew it's prosperous image. The city appears to be getting off to a good start recovering and we wish Loud, Miss Info, Harry, Charity, and their friends the best of luck in doing so themselves. And thus, it ends. For CDS Evening News, this is Dan Bladder, once again and much more happily this time, signing off.

{Bladder puts away his microphone and walks away, and we see behind him is the remains of the spider and the White House. Various crates are being used to carry away the remains, and we now see other areas damaged that are being fixed by everyone, and we then see a overhead view of everyone doing the same thing. Above, a plane is flying in the sky, and we see our heroes looking down on the city with smiles on all their faces, proving Bladder's point, they're headed off to rebuild and improve their lives, and so is Washington D.C and it's citizens. The plane zooms past us, and then we fade to black}

The Good Fairy: (V.O.) Wait! Where are ya going???

(The Good Fairy appears)

Good Fairy: Forgot about me? Hope you didn't. Anyway, and so ends the story. We coulda shown you the wedding but you saw that in "Loud's True Love" though it's not part of this. Maybe someday. Anyway, I hope you saw enjoy this. For everyone here at Histeria, thank you for reading and farewell.

{The Good Fairy floats off as this story ends for real}

The End

Cast list
Gene Hackman: Gene Burrows
Edward Norton: Loud Kiddington
Laraine Newman: Charity Bazaar/Miss Melissa Information
Geoffrey Rush: Harry Norman
Frank Welker: Vincent Morre/Fetch/Father Time/Dan Bladder/Bill Clinton/Pule Houser
Rob Paulsen: Mr. Smartypants/Sammy Melman/Muldoon
Maurice LaMarche: Nathan/Various nameless soldiers
Tress MacNeille: Toast/Pepper/Cho-Cho/W.O.W/Tress/Susanna Susquahanna/Hilary Clinton/Various nameless female soldiers
Jeff Bennett: Lucky Bob/Reverend Karras/Various nameless soldiers
Cree Summer: Aka Pella
Billy West: Mr. Frost/Mr. Anderson/Chit Chatterson/various angry citizens
Nora Dunn: Andrea/Stacy/any remaining nameless female soldiers
Paul Rugg: Nostradamus/any remaining soldiers and citizens
Nathan Ruegger: Froggo
Nora Dunn: Lydia Karaoke
James Wickline: Bill Straitman
Continued from 4.2.
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